本文环境 Redis6.0 不懂的可以评论或联系我邮箱 著作权归OwenZhang所有。商业转载请联系OwenZhang获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。
keys 查找所有符合给定模式pattern(正则表达式)的 key 。 时间复杂度为O(N),N为数据库里面key的数量。 速度极快,在一百万的key数据库中查询时间大约是40毫秒。 redis> MSET one 1 two 2 three 3 four 4 OK redis> KEYS o
“four” “one” “two” redis> KE 警告:不建议使用!!! 对 Redis 稍微有点使用经验的人都知道线上是不能执行 keys * 相关命令的,虽然其模糊匹配功能使用非常方便也很强大,在小数据量情况下使用没什么问题,数据量大会导致 Redis 锁住及 CPU 飙升,在生产环境建议禁用或者重命名!
血的教训:某公司工程师在生产环境中直接执行:key wxdb … cf8 命令,导致redis卡死锁住,CPU飙升,导致支付链路卡住,所有请求卡死在数据库中,导致数据库发生雪崩效应,发生了数据库宕机事件。 损失惨重!
flushdb 删除Redis中当前所在数据库中的所有记录,并且该命令是原子性的,不会终止执行,一旦执行,将不会执行失败。
flushall 删除Redis中所有数据库中的所有记录,并且该命令是原子性的,不会终止执行,一旦执行,将不会执行失败。
config 客户端可修改 Redis 配置
解决方案-命令禁用 在redis中修改配置文件redis.conf找到 SECURITY 区域,如下图
################################## SECURITY ###################################
# Require clients to issue AUTH before processing any other
# commands. This might be useful in environments in which you do not trust
# others with access to the host running redis-server.
# This should stay commented out for backward compatibility and because most
# people do not need auth (e.g. they run their own servers).
# Warning: since Redis is pretty fast an outside user can try up to
# 150k passwords per second against a good box. This means that you should
# use a very strong password otherwise it will be very easy to break.
# requirepass foobared
# Command renaming.
# It is possible to change the name of dangerous commands in a shared
# environment. For instance the CONFIG command may be renamed into something
# hard to guess so that it will still be available for internal-use tools
# but not available for general clients.
# Example:
# rename-command CONFIG b840fc02d524045429941cc15f59e41cb7be6c52
# It is also possible to completely kill a command by renaming it into
# an empty string:
# rename-command CONFIG ""
# Please note that changing the name of commands that are logged into the
# AOF file or transmitted to slaves may cause problems.
注意其中的rename-command ,修改即可完成命令禁用
rename-command KEYS ""
rename-command FLUSHALL ""
rename-command FLUSHDB ""
rename-command CONFIG ""
rename-command KEYS "XXXXX"
rename-command FLUSHALL "XXXXX"
rename-command FLUSHDB "XXXXX"
rename-command CONFIG "XXXXX"
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